de prave o to nastaveni files kam se ukladaj ty fajly
- funguje ve zprave je videt ta pasivni tabulka nazev velikost atd ale neni tam odkaz na stahnuti nebo nahled u obrazku
- fajly tam sou fyzicky nakopirovany ale nezobrazej se u zpravy nebo reakce ve foru
- ted kdyz sem smazal nastaveni ftp a zrusil ho nastavil akorat nahore Upload Directory --files tak to zase krici:
Directory 'files' is not writeable. You'll have to create the upload path and chmod it to 777 (or change the owner to you httpd-servers owner) to upload files.
If you have only plain ftp-access change the 'Attribute' of the directory to rwxrwxrwx
pokud to chapu spravne tak ty nemas nastaveny u ftp v administraci php Attachment nic a nezafajfkly ftp vubec