This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional!
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Line 63, column 22: document type does not allow element "DIV" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
<div class=vpravo_obr> <img src="img/kvitko.gif" width="83" height="50" alt=""
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
Line 64, column 7: document type does not allow element "H1" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
<h1>grafický návrh</h1>
Line 74, column 75: document type does not allow element "DIV" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
...="DISPLAY:block"><div class=vlevo_obr><img src="img/owebu.gif" width="83" hei
Line 75, column 4: document type does not allow element "H1" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 86, column 22: document type does not allow element "DIV" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
<div class=vpravo_obr><img src="img/phm1.gif" width="83" height="50" alt="" bor
Line 87, column 4: document type does not allow element "H1" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
MNO web validni neni, ale mylsim ze to jdou takove chybky, charakteru neduleziteho. co je vsak dulezitejsi si myslim je: body >> 1,2,3,5,8,14,15,17!!!,23,24.....
to LAMA: to small-caps je good vec taky sem to nepouzival a ted koukam ze to pekne vypada